Thursday, January 5, 2012


For some reason I get some of my best ideas when I'm trying to sleep. I realized the other night that if I want to blog about a topic, I should start a new blog and just talk about plants. It just makes sense. This one can stay personal, since I am so far away from everyone now and I like to keep people updated. Consistent blogging, of course, is complicated by the fact that I only have internet access at the local library. More on that in a minute.

So things have been pretty slow here at our new place. I have been searching for jobs for months since the florist job didn't pan out (I think I'm technically still employed there..?) and I almost had a management job at a new Kitchen Collection store, but then their lease at the mall fell through and the store never went in. Figures. So I keep looking, and I've applied to so many places that I have completely lost track of how many applications I have out there. Everything is online and half the time there is no contact information so I can't follow up on my applications, but then again, why bother following up on an application at Starbucks? I really hate the questionnares/assessments they make me do, because I'm pretty sure I overthink them. I did a teller simulation for a BB&T teller position, and as soon as I was done with it, I got an email saying that they weren't interested in me for the job. I thought I did all right on the simulation, but I guess not.

The main problem with this job search is that I'm probably technically overqualified for most of the jobs I have applied to, but I'm not qualified enough for the jobs I want (lacking experience). Employers see that I have a 4-year college degree and they assume that I will just leave as soon as I find something better than "cafe barista". While this might be true, I see every potential position as an opportunity to learn all that I can about the company, then try to move up their ladder. At this point, I feel like whatever job I get might be the direction my career takes for a long time. I know God has something picked out for me, but I'm feeling a little impatient. If His plan is for me to stay at home, I'd like to know that so I could start forming routines and making plans and commitments that I couldn't otherwise do if I was working full time. Unfortunately, unless Andy gets a raise, I'm going to have to work just so we can afford things like internet at home.

So pray for us, friends. Andy's new promotion starts today, so obviously he is doing amazingly well at his job, and he enjoys it too. I just don't know where I'm supposed to be. I want to give up, but I can't. I don't have a choice. I really miss all of my friends, too. It gets pretty lonely sitting at home with the cats every day. We don't even really have any neighbors that I can have over for coffee or anything. I am making friends at church but it's a slow process. I can't wait for our small groups to start up so we finally have some people to hang out with every week. I guess for now I just have to press on and eventually things will start coming together. That's all for now.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

The next big thing?

So, it's official: I suck at blogging. It's been several months since my last update, but that's mostly because at first I was really busy and then there was nothing to talk about. I don't like the idea of a blog functioning as a personal journal or diary--people don't want to read your whiny crap. That's what Xanga was for. So I have no idea what to talk about, because there are so many topics I could talk about. And in selecting a topic, I question what my purpose is. Am I writing this for an audience? and if so, who? I seriously doubt anyone reads this, especially since I never update it. Writing for my own entertainment doesn't seem that exciting to me. So if there's anyone out there reading this, what would you like me to talk about and most likely give my opinion on? I consider myself pretty clever at times and I like funny stuff, so maybe I'll pick something amusing. I'm playing with the idea of a video blog, since I have been watching Good Morning, Chia Lincoln by Rhett and Link. I'd probably just talk about weird random stuff and keep the general atmosphere light-hearted and fun, but it seems like it would be more fun to do a video blog with more than one person.

Okay, so now I'm just rambling. But seriously, I need ideas. And maybe a little support. If you'd like to see me make a fool out of myself talking about weird news, products, and other stuff via video posts, let me know in the comment section. Please? Is there anyone out there? Hello.....?

(And just a personal update for family and friends who like to know what I'm up to: I got married, went to Maine for a week, sat on my butt for a couple months, got a job as a florist, now I'm looking for a second job where I actually make money, and we bought a house that we will be moving into at the end of October. If you an interested in helping with the move or visiting us at our new place, call me. If you don't have my number, you probably shouldn't be helping me relocate my personal belongings anyway. Creeper.)


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blogging from limbo

I'm currently in limbo. Okay, so it's not the "Inception" kind of limbo, but it feels like it. I closed a chapter of my life with college graduation a couple days ago, though it didn't "feel" like the end. I felt like everything was over once I saw my grades and knew I was done. The ceremony was just an antiquated ritual that was supposed to signify an ending.

Ever since school ended, I've had very little to do besides hack away at the wedding plans and pack things in boxes. There is no smooth transition from one phase of my life to the next. The wedding isn't until July and I have to move out of the house in Morgantown before June, so all of my things are being spread around to various homes for now and I am spending most of my time on the couch with a computer and a cat in my lap.

Things are even more interesting after the wedding because we will be moving sometime in the fall and so finding a job suddenly becomes very complicated for me. We will probably get an apartment first and then scope out the area for a house, since Andy hopes to be at this new job for a long time. Buying a house is the scariest thing in the world, but the advantages to owning will hopefully outweigh my anxiety over finances.

Regardless of what we do, I am going to try to find a program in which to become certified as a professional florist. I have a decent portfolio now, so even finding a job will be easier given my experience. The unfortunate component of the floral industry, however, is its seasonal nature. Unlike other horticultural industries, the issue is not the seasonal nature of the plants, but the seasonal demand of the consumers. Valentines Day and Mothers Day are probably the two busiest days of the year for a florist, when lots of extra help is needed to meet the demand. The rest of the year the demand is significantly less, and so only a handful of people are needed in the shop. I suppose I will be looking for a business that has a full-time position open, but in the current job market, those things are few and far between. I know and rest in the fact that God will put me where He wants me to be.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wow, an update!

So I guess its about time I update this even though I'm sure no one reads it. I'm writing from my sweet new HTC inspire 4G, so there might be some weird typos. I'm currently at a reception at UGA for the vet school reunion, and I have to say, I've never been in a room with so many doctors. As interesting as everyone is and as good as the cookies are, I'm still kind of bored, hence the blog update.  So I guess I'll give a brief update on my life before I transform this blog into a floral-design-centered blog to highlight my current projects and portfolio.

Like I said, I'm currently in Athens, Georgia for a vet conference and reunion with my dad. I've been to the Georgia Aquarium, Coca-Cola museum, and the Georgia State Botanical Garden. It's been interesting to be back in Georgia since we moved ten years ago. Some things are the same but plenty has changed. Everything is growing.

In other news, it's my last semester (hopefully) and I'll be graduating in May. Once I get back from spring break, half of my weekends are booked until August. It's insane. There are so many weddings and bridal showers and other things going on that my schedule is packed. Wedding planning is really stressful and it doesn't help that I'm a procrastinator. Just when I think I have things figured out, something won't work or I change my mind.

That's all I feel like saying right now. Expect more posts in the near future.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Coffee and creativity make me happy.

Today is another one of those days where I wake up really late and I'm not feeling too motivated to do anything. We all have those. So while sitting on my super-comfy couch, drinking my large mug of coffee, I stumbled upon this gem of a blog via Yahoo news : This girl is AWESOME! Marisa is re-vamping one thrift store dress each day on a budget of $1 a day for an entire year, and they all look friggin sweet! I think what she is doing is something I always wanted to do but lacked the skills and the patience. It helps that her mom was a home-ec major and so she was raised in a home with a lot of inspiration to be creative (I was too, but I never picked up those mad sewing skills!). Props to you, girl! Keep up the good work!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Score one for the home team

I found my dress. It was the first one I tried on. My mom and my aunt were in love with it, but I wasn't convinced that the best dress could possibly be the first one. After a hot day of getting lost in Charleston/Kanawha City/St. Albans and only shopping at one other store, we returned to the English Rose, where I tried on the dress again (after eating at a Chinese buffett--big mistake). So it's now my dress. It looks great and it was half off too! You just can't beat that.

In other news, I accepted the I-Teams leader position and I'm really excited for the coming semester. Unfortunately, that's about all I'm looking forward to because everything else is completely overwhelming. I get sick to my stomach just thinking about it. This is my last year of school, so I'll be planning a wedding, making sure I have all of my credits to graduate, and applying to graduate, not to mention all the stress I feel with everyone moving back into Morgantown. I have told Andy over and over that I am locking myself in the house this weekend, and he can come and see me if he wants, but I am not going anywhere. Somehow, though, he has convinced me to go antique shopping and see a movie. We'll just see how that goes.

Morgantown is so crazy when everyone comes back in the fall. Luckily most of the upperclassmen trickle in through the last few weeks before school starts, but all the freshmen make a mad rush for campus starting on Friday morning. It's complete and utter chaos. Parents don't know how to navigate Morgantown, pedestrians jaywalk, parties pop up all over the place, little 18-year-olds think they are going to get hammered every night, and there is nothing left on the shelves at Wal-Mart. Like I said--chaos. I can't wait to move away.

I also get a little nervous and uncomfortable at BCM because there are so many people and often a significant portion are new. I try to make friends and make the newbies/freshmen feel welcome but I always end up feeling shy and intimidated, and I just go talk to people I know. I guess it's something I'm going to have to pray about because I get nervous just thinking about it.

327 days til we're married!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Exciting things.

I have been asked to lead an I-Team for BCM this year, and I couldn't be more excited! I felt like God has placed a desire in my heart to minister to other young women and this would give me a wonderful opportunity to humbly lead a group of them in a bible study. I am, of course, taking a few days to pray about it to make sure this is what God wants me to do.

I have had some tough experiences in my life and while the memories of these things often tormented me, I knew God allowed everything to happen for a reason. He loves us enough to let us do as we please, waiting for us to turn back to Him when we see that this world cannot satisfy us. I now know with certainty that I went through these trials so that I could related to other young women who are facing the same situations or problems, and provide God-centered wisdom and help to those who need it. :)

In other news, I have stress ulcers in my mouth and I hate them. Hopefully they will go away within the next few days.

We also have made some progress with the wedding planning (especially since my last blog post!). The date is July 16, 2011 and it will be at the CMA church in Morgantown. We have done some work on the guest list, but it is definitely not done yet. We also have a potential caterer (who I need to talk to) and a couple photographer candidates. Once we get our engagement pictures taken, I am going to design the save-the-dates, and start on the invitations. I am going to go dress shopping in Charleston this weekend. So much to do, but it seems to be falling into place quite well!