Thursday, January 5, 2012


For some reason I get some of my best ideas when I'm trying to sleep. I realized the other night that if I want to blog about a topic, I should start a new blog and just talk about plants. It just makes sense. This one can stay personal, since I am so far away from everyone now and I like to keep people updated. Consistent blogging, of course, is complicated by the fact that I only have internet access at the local library. More on that in a minute.

So things have been pretty slow here at our new place. I have been searching for jobs for months since the florist job didn't pan out (I think I'm technically still employed there..?) and I almost had a management job at a new Kitchen Collection store, but then their lease at the mall fell through and the store never went in. Figures. So I keep looking, and I've applied to so many places that I have completely lost track of how many applications I have out there. Everything is online and half the time there is no contact information so I can't follow up on my applications, but then again, why bother following up on an application at Starbucks? I really hate the questionnares/assessments they make me do, because I'm pretty sure I overthink them. I did a teller simulation for a BB&T teller position, and as soon as I was done with it, I got an email saying that they weren't interested in me for the job. I thought I did all right on the simulation, but I guess not.

The main problem with this job search is that I'm probably technically overqualified for most of the jobs I have applied to, but I'm not qualified enough for the jobs I want (lacking experience). Employers see that I have a 4-year college degree and they assume that I will just leave as soon as I find something better than "cafe barista". While this might be true, I see every potential position as an opportunity to learn all that I can about the company, then try to move up their ladder. At this point, I feel like whatever job I get might be the direction my career takes for a long time. I know God has something picked out for me, but I'm feeling a little impatient. If His plan is for me to stay at home, I'd like to know that so I could start forming routines and making plans and commitments that I couldn't otherwise do if I was working full time. Unfortunately, unless Andy gets a raise, I'm going to have to work just so we can afford things like internet at home.

So pray for us, friends. Andy's new promotion starts today, so obviously he is doing amazingly well at his job, and he enjoys it too. I just don't know where I'm supposed to be. I want to give up, but I can't. I don't have a choice. I really miss all of my friends, too. It gets pretty lonely sitting at home with the cats every day. We don't even really have any neighbors that I can have over for coffee or anything. I am making friends at church but it's a slow process. I can't wait for our small groups to start up so we finally have some people to hang out with every week. I guess for now I just have to press on and eventually things will start coming together. That's all for now.


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