Tuesday, April 6, 2010

la la la la life goes on

What's new in my life? I will tell you.
  • I'm engaged to the most wonderful guy in the whole world. No, we have not set a date yet.

  • I have a kitty cat named Hercules.

  • I had a nice spring break traveling around and visiting people and wild horses.
  • There is only another month of school left and then I get to start some unknown internship.
  • I now reside in the large upper room of the house, which is rather warm on hot days.
  • My potentially-lesbian fish keep having babies even though there are no males in the tank.
  • I'm not sure what I think about the healthcare bill yet; ask me later. (But I do think Obama sucks at being president.)
I kind of want to write but at the same time I'm feeling really lazy--I mean, it is almost 1 in the morning. So I will just make this a short post and maybe I will write more about interesting things later, like some of my recent trips.

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